Story Club — Writing Strong Characters
Today I had the fun of holding a Story Club for young writers. I loved the venue- the Hive at Thrive cafe, Cambridge.
Knowing our characters strengthens our stories. They become more real to the reader. We can dream about our character, draw them, create them out of clay, write about them — there are lots of ways to get to know them so they come alive in our stories. I presented the following questions to get to know our main character (and side characters too) better. You might want to test them out on your characters if you’re working on a story yourself.
What is your character’s greatest strength?
What is your character’s greatest struggle?
What do they want?
What stands in their way?
What are three things your character likes?
What are three things they DO NOT like?
Have fun and let me know what you come up with! I so enjoyed meeting King Lemon, Ginger the Fire Girl, Lily and more today.
And … I ended the session with vegan vanilla cheesecake!